Monday, 30 August 2010
♥ Penguins Galore
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Super Duper Train Times

Saturday, 28 August 2010
Mademoiselle 'lucky bitch'

Friday, 27 August 2010
the not-so-Domestic Goddess
As soon as I woke up I got stuck in and (with the addition of a few laptop infused breaks + a quick watch of Kiki's Delivery Service) managed to get it all pretty tidy and nice and clean.
I'm not exactly what you'd call a domestic Goddess... more of a domestic goat to be honest but still, I tried my best and got hoovering, scrubbing and mopping to tracks by Glen Miller, the Chordettes, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and so on and so forth.
You'd be surprised at just how effective music like that is to clean to, it worked a treat and I got to sing along to my hearts content.
Anyway, the music and the day of cleaning got me thinking and I remembered these awesome 50's style aprons my friend Charlotte and I found last night on a website (check them out HERE) and while my floor dried from it's mopping times I settled down for a bit of drawing.
This is what I came up with in the end, two delightfully domestic Goddesses at work in their pretty aprons baking just like I did with my friends the other day ◕‿◕
one is having a baking day while the other is having a baking night, but either way, they're both trying to entice you with their fabulous cooking skills! (and their weird hands! i guess they're not quite finished yet but it's late and i've spent hours working on them so... tough!)
ok so they're not hoovering or scrubbing like I did but they're still being good little housewives by baking up a tasty treat or two.
I've also spent this afternoon/evening sketching out a verrry special 'Girl' illustration for my friend Jeni who is going off to Uni soon. She sent me a message on Facebook this morning asking me to draw her and although there's still a few weeks before she leaves I came up with a great idea for a picture and couldn't help but get started on it right away. It's nearly done but there's still a little more I need to add to it, I hope she likes it anyway. I'll probably post it on here tomorrow so stay tuned, if you like my blog and the style of my girly illustrations then you'll LOVE what i've drawn for her!
Which reminds me, I still have to draw a picture of Charlotte as well! She asked me to draw her a Doctor Who style pin-up of her and perhaps the Tardis or something else DW related, i've got a pretty clear image in my head of what I want it to look like but we'll see if I can make it a reality... or not!
Anyway, that's all for now folks,
tonight i'm going to be very sensible (and boring) by making a list of things I need to take to Montenegro with me next week.
Ah yes, i'm flying out to Dubrovnik on Wednesday and then on into Montenegro for a wedding.
It's been one hell of a busy summer for me travel wise!
England, France, Belgium, Andorra, Ireland and now Croatia and Montenegro...
crazy times!
Right, byeeeee for now dudes and dudettes
☆♥◕‿◕♥☆ xX
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
♥ Baking Day ♥

it was a really fun day though, after the cakes were all finished we popped into Tynwald for a quick wander around the little shops, we pretty much had to drag ourselves out of 'Never Never land' the children's clothing and toy shop.
anyway that's all for now, i'm sat in the dark blogging and listening to Chatanooga Choo Choo by Glen Miller and the Andrews sisters... ok i'm singing along to it as well i admit it!
until i blog again...
luuurve to you all ♥ ◕‿◕ ♥ xX
Monday, 23 August 2010
Shoes for all Seasons

Friday, 20 August 2010
Stranded in Ireland

Thursday, 19 August 2010
Shopping in the Rain☆
anyway it was raining today but did that stop me! Not one bit! i popped on my new coat, grabbed my DKNY scarf (to match my red dress), donned the new boots and shoved my handbag in the crook of my arm, brolly firmly up protecting me from the elements!
Forget singing in the rain... I was totally shopping in it today, in the space of about half an hour i'd visited 6 stores and amassed a small collection of shopping bags. All in all it was a fruitful day shopping wise, a vast improvement on the crappola times of yesterday.
I had a good old mooch in Penneys (aka Primark) and got some great bits and bobs including this adorable heart shaped bag, this gorgy cameo headband and some awesome retro sunglasses for an 80's party i'm off to on Saturday. The red ones are for me and the white (practically invisible on my hotel bedspread) ones are for my friend Mike who's party it is.
The weird thing is he told me that today he popped into town (in the Isle of Man) to look for some 80's style sunnies for the party... and didn't find any! Well i'm glad to have been so super duper smart to grab a pair for him myself, even if they did cost a whopping 50 cents! ◕‿◕
I also grabbed some cute fingerless gloves for winter days at College and a couple of other bits. I'm not 100% loved up on Primark/Penneys but I must admit that I rarely leave one of their stores without a bag of stuff!
I picked up some cute hair bows and headbands in the sale at Accessorize, I bought this exact same tartan headband three years ago from the UK airport when I flew out to spend Christmas in Las Vegas, but I accidentally snapped it whilst I was away!
I couldn't believe it when I spotted this one today, and on sale as well! It's a cute thing for winter + it reminds me of my old school uniform from when I was little. We had tartan kilts and tartan school ties ◕‿◕
I also popped back to the gorgeous 'Peacock & Ruby' store in the English Market for one last wander around it's gorgeous displays and enticing sparkly bits and bobs. I was totally delighted to find the pair of earrings that i've been pining over all week were still there waiting for me!
I spotted them on my first day here in Cork when I first visited the shop but I didn't buy them for some reason. I was sure they'd be gone but I promised myself that if they were still there today then I would definitely get them... and they were ◕‿◕
here's a snap of them, I don't know why I like them so much, there's just something about them that I love! (sorry it's such a small photo, my camera really sucks!)
i had a last whizz around the handbag hall of Brown Thomas as well, sadly i couldn't afford anything but i still had a bloody good look! it's probably sad that as soon as i got in there i noticed that they'd changed the handbag displays round and added new A/W ones... yeah i visited them a lot this week, and last week, and in Dublin!
I went to a big toy store as well down one of the side streets, I love toy shops but then I guess i'll never fully grow up! I bought two tiny little things from the shop but I can't say what they are because their a present for my friend Alex who is also a big kid stuck having to try and behave all the time like a normal, sensible grown-up!
Being grown-up sucks!
Ok that's all for today, i'm chilling in the room tonight with my picnic which mostly consists of jam donuts and bread sticks (a veritable feast!) so I can watch Sherlock episodes on my laptop whilst I pack my bags for tomorrow. My boat back to the Isle of Man is in the afternoon, 2 or 3ish I can't remember... i'll worry about it when the time comes but for now I so can't be arrrsed!
before i sign off i want to share a quote with you, i heard this today in Brown Thomas and absolutely love it!
'a Handbag is not just a Handbag... it is a vessel for all your most prized possessions'
i like that, a nice way of explaining the importance of a bag i think!
Arrivederci dudes and dudettes,
lots of Irish luuurve to you all
◕‿◕ xX