Saturday 14 May 2011

Cards and Charms ★

oh me oh my . . .

so it's been a quiet week blog wise hasn't it! i genuinely intended to post yesterday evening but blogspot was still down and by the time it came back online i was busy making stuff again!

so what have i been so busy doing? well on Tuesday night i went to my friends exhibition at the Erin Art Centre in Port Erin (it's a fab exhibition by the way so if you live local, go and have a skeet)

but the truth is i've just been cooped up in my sewing cave (bedroom) making things for the past couple of days!!!

for example . . .

yup that's right, at long LONG last i've finally gotten round to sorting some greetings cards with my designs on!!!

there are loads of different designs since i just went a bit trigger happy with the printers AND each card is finished with a little 'JADE' logo sticker

oh, there are A5 ones as well

and each card comes with an envelope + the cards are left blank inside for a personal message

some of the cards will be available on the etsy shop within the next week or so, so for those of you in far off places that think 'oh i'd quite like one of those' do not fear because soon you'll be able to get yourself (or someone else) one

oh and one of these last two designs below holds a special clue to why i've been so busy making things so if you follow my work on Facebook you might be able to figure it all out . . .

because the truth is i HAVE been uber busy making things

i mean we've had the little toadstool necklace charms

the strawberries

and remember Beatrice and Bernadette the Bears??? well meet the rest of the family . . .

and NO they're not all individually named

they are however deliciously adorable and i'll be sad when they're no longer brightening up my room!

so 'what's with all the stuff Jade???' i hear you cry

well i can't really tell you . . . yet

but tomorrow i will be able to so you know. . . be sure to tune in then!

* * *

in other news

look at the gorrrrrrgeous pairs of sunglasses my friend Ciara gave me on Wednesday!!!

aren't they brilliant! ah so retro and funky i LOVE them! currently rocking the black pair every time i leave the house

also . . .

guess who's going to see Imelda May perform live!!!!


my lovely big sister Nicola got us tickets to see Imelda when she comes to the island during the TT, i can't wait! i love her stuff sooooo much, she has this great rockabilly/blues/pop vibe + her sense of style is totally awesome

i've been a big fan of her songs since last summer when i spent 3 weeks in Ireland (Imelda is from Dublin) but if you're unfamiliar with her music, you can check out her website here - Imelda May

* * *

and that's it for today cherubs

tomorrow i shall reveal the super duper secret to you all, although i should imagine that the clever clogs out there will have already worked out what's going on . . . 

enjoy the rest of your weekend!

that's all folks . . .  ◕‿◕ ★