so this evening about 30 mins ago i logged back into facebook to find an event invitation waiting for me
it was from 'Pin up Perfection' and was an 'event' announcing the release of this months 'Military' themed issue of their magazine 'Pinup Perfection'
this struck me as a tad odd (i've never been invited to any of the other issue releases before) so i followed the link and flicked through the preview copy and... TAH-DAH one of my illustrations is in the magazine!
and yes... i may have squealed verrrrry loudly when i saw the page with my illustration on it! and yes i also may have bombarded my poor friend mike with an endless stream of smiley faces and omg's on facebook chat in excitement! hahaha
a few months ago i submitted a piece to them for the military issue, i got a reply and was asked to fill out a release form but to be honest i never in a million years expected them to actually use the picture!
but they have... there you go (screencap alert)

my picture is on page 61 if you want to see :-)