Monday 14 February 2011

Happy V Day ♥

so it's that day again, that day when everyone goes yampy and rushes out to buy heart shaped boxes of chocolates and flowers and... stuff

last year i drew a big Valentine's Montage for V day because last year i was slightly more optimistic about the day...

but this year, i didn't bother!

i wandered round my room this morning and took the opportunity to do a little re-decorating, V Day style

ok so actually all i did was write 'love' on my little tiny chalkboard, but it was an improvement seeing as it just said 'gay' before (thank you Mike for that charming message)

i also nailed my little 'love' sign to the wall, just so there's always a bit of love in the room... or something to that effect...

anyway, instead of drawing out more lovey dovey illustrations, this year i just dressed in red clothes and wore red lipstick all day

look i even used the little Heart bag i bought in Cork last summer (see this post - Shopping in the rain)

red swarovski heart earrings + necklace, a red bracelet and a big resin heart pendant... it was totally V Day-tastic

to be honest though i didn't get up to much at college today

i worked on my new cupcake painting for a bit...

then i sorted the little rococo frames, ready for my assessment on thursday

then i sort of gave up for a bit and watched a film on my laptop instead...

after that it was a lovely afternoon of winding embroidery floss onto bobbins... oh the glamour!

actually it wasn't all bad because after college i had to go up to Manx Radio HQ on Douglas Head to collect my flowers...

aren't they gorgeous!!!

i should explain, since i'm such a V Day misery guts, this morning my mum entered me into a little competition on the Manx Radio breakfast show and won me this beautiful little arrangement!

it's so pretty, i've never had any flowers for V Day before full stop so these were a lovely surprise

i hope you've had a great Valentine's Day, whether you're happily married, in a relationship or still single, i wish you the happiest of Valentine's Days

* * *

in other news...

i can't believe i forgot this, Sienna would kill me if she knew i hadn't posted this yet!

she came to stay on Saturday night and after dinner we sat down and made this little flower fairy finger puppet together

isn't it adorable!!!

what a clever little bean she is! such a sweetie as well, she spent most of the evening dancing about it her blue Cinderella 'high heels' and sparkly purple feather boa to Mika's 'Lollipop'

smart girl...

anyway, that's pretty much it for today i think

i have to dash because my dear ol' dad is bringing fish and chips home for us all as a V Day treat

i think my mum would have preferred a nice meal at a restaurant but hey... you can't have everything in life right!!!

until next time, 

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ♥ 

instead of a farewell in a particular language, i'm going to end tonight's post with a 14 lovely love hearts for today, the 14th of February

Happy Valentine's Day

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥