i've got a lot of work done, with a load more still to do!
i know i said i wouldn't be uploading much new stuff but seeing as it's a bank holiday weekend and i'm in an unusually good mood ( which probably has something to do with me absolutely LOVING the latest episode of Doctor Who) i thought i'd spend the next 2 days uploading some of the work i've done for FMP so far to my deviantART and Facebooj pages
oh and btw, i'm not doing a full children's picture book any more! i realised it was pretty much an impossible task considering the amount of time i've got not to mention the bucket load of other work i've got to do to go with the project!
so instead i am going to do illustrate a few scenes from my story, yes... i am still writing a story (in fact it's already written) and hopefully i'll get these scenes printed out on A1 for my exhibition
so here's a few of the things i've been working on at college. keep checking my deviantART profile and my facebook illustration fan page fr larger copies of the images

ps - i also got kind of a cool mention on the Carmelita Couture page for the illustration i did during my week of blogging, it was a total surprise and a rather super duper one at that x