Sunday 22 February 2009


so... after many weeks (if not months) of deliberation, i finally decided to create a Deviant Art account. so now i have my very own profile, with lots of my pictures on it!
right then, so after another 6 week project (storytelling) at College, I’ve finally broken up for half-term. And although it’s only for a week, I’m just relieved to have a break, however small. Unfortunately I’m having to spend most of the week doing research for my next project (Form follows Function) but it’s not so bad. I’m looking forward to studying the Bauhaus, and the Chicago school of Architecture (amongst other things!). I am trying to upload a few new drawings and illustrations (as well as a few photographs) to my
Deviant Art profile each day, and also some that I’ve had for a while. It is a little difficult though, as I don’t have a scanner at home so most of them are photographed, then uploaded! Well, I’d better go and do some more research, L2a xxx :-D

you can check out my Deviant Art profile here at i do also have an account with '' but it's not quite up and running yet