New Year, New You? or not, whatever.
It's a brand new year filled with brand new possibilities and opportunities. Or in my case, same old, same old...
Except for one little difference that is (so far).
If you missed my last post let me offer a quick recap. It was my annual Xmas wish list post and you can read/re-read it HERE should you so desire. As per usual it was filled with lots of lovely things I'll probably never own but as always, I had a lot of fun coming up with it.
Anyway, the very last item on the 2016 wish list was the handbag of dreams aka an Anya Hindmarch all-over-stickers Bathurst in black.
Well my first illustration of 2017 is a 'handbag portrait' aka an illustration of a handbag flat lay, and it should tell you all you need to know... (disclaimer, unless you love handbags you're proabbly gonna find this post pretty boring so abandon ship now if you want)
That's right friends, all of my handbag dreams have come true because this babe of a handbag is now MIIIIINNNNEEEE!!!!!!!
So naturally I'm now going to blather on about it for a few minutes because honestly how can I not and also because my blog, my rules.
And before you start speculating over who I know that would get me such a magnificent gift, the answer is Me. I would get myself such a magnificent gift, so I did. TREAT YO SELF
Unsurprisingly the bag is perfect. It's everything I hoped for and more, and it smells incredible! And it's soooooooo pretty I LOVE IT! It's so good aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
First of all it arrived in a snazzy striped bag (I will forever love black and white stripes) tied with a red ribbon and a cute fried egg tag. I won't lie, I did a little happy dance around the room when it arrived and I might have squealed. Once. Maybe. Or a few times, who knows.
The 'stickers' design on the bag is even better in person and the detail is amazing. Check out that stripy bungee handle as well! Too lovely. It also comes with a full length leather strap and you can customize it lots of different ways. Brilliant.
It also arrived all bundled in a cute cotton dust bag/tote bag along with the cutest stationery featuring a sunny smiley face and one of my favourite Oscar Wilde quotes. Just when I thought it all couldn't get any more perfect my new handbag arrived with a card saying "I can resist everything except temptation." (I thought the quote was 'anything' instead of everything but I could be wrong. Either way, I still love it and it was a nice touch).
So why did I draw it you might ask?! Well on January 1st I was sorting out the cluttered cupboard in my room and I came across some of my old art college logbooks and found this Nathalie Lecroc inspired 'Handbag Portrait' from 2010. It's definitely not my best work but I vaguely remember having a lot of fun drawing it with my trusty felt tip pens. Don't get me wrong, I loved working on stuff like this back then but I'm sure glad I know how to use Photoshop now ^_^
To be honest not an awful lot has changed except now I don't need to carry around a digital camera, an iPod, an iPod touch AND a Nokia mobile phone! Now I just need my iPhone.
I also always carry a little case of my business cards with me, because you never know who you might bump into and I like having cards on hand to offer prospective clients and customers.
Also how fun is my new googly eyes purse from Superdrug?! Red is my favourite colour so I had to get this purse and the matching make-up pouch. My best friend Hayley also got me the purse in blue and it matches my blue Lulu Guinness bag perfectly. She knows me so well because I'd get this purse in EVERY colour if I could :)

I always carry a notebook with me as well, for ideas and doodles. My mum gave me this neat little notebook and my dad gave me the lovely fountain pen last Christmas. I personally don't really like using biros to write with. When I was 7 my teacher encouraged the class to use fountain pens and I've used one ever since.
And a boring ventolin inhaler because like many people, in the winter the cold air can affect my lungs so I keep this handy in case I suddenly find it difficult to breathe. You know, normal winter stuff.
The matching googly eyes pouch is where I keep my contact lense spray (so exciting, I know!), my paracetamol, lipbalm, compact and my forever disappearing collection of bobbypins. If you know me at all then you'll know that I wear red lipstick almost every time I leave the house.
At the moment I'm addicted to Mac Cosmetics Ruby Woo. I bought a tube for my youngest niece's 16th Birthday and it looked so good on her that I had to get a tube for myself as well! And Daisy, if you're reading this, the lisptick really does look amazing on you and I can only hope that it looks half as good on me!
So in summary, if you're still here reading and you haven't already slipped into a coma out of sheer boredom from my inane ramblings, I LOVE THIS BAG AND IT IS THE BEST FOREVER AND EVER.
and on that note you'll be delighted to know that I'll shut up now and stop talking about my new handbag because there are far more important things in life than material possessions but I never leave my house and I'm too scared to go anywhere and actually do anything so for now, material possessions like this sublime handbag are all I really have in life.
and while that may be pathetic, I don't care and I still love it.