Wednesday 24 August 2011

Sunshine and Rain ★

so i got back to the Island yesterday afternoon, completely exhausted, sad to say goodbye to Ireland but undeniably glad to be home!!!

today i got up bright and early to head into a very gloomy and rainy Douglas, so it was boots, trench coat and umbrella weather again!

anyway i wandered around town for a bit before meeting my cousin Mandy and my little cousin Sienna

Mandy had to dash off so i got to look after little miss Sienna and then all of a sudden it was time for us to head to the Alpine to meet my friends Mike and Quinn for some lunch

Quinn's lovely little sister Elan came along too and we all had a yummy lunch in the Alpine (aka my café home from home!) where i also bumped into Melanie (the café's owner) who is in the process of getting some of my illustrations tattooed onto her foot!!!

i'll snap some photos once it's all done but it's looking soooooo awesome! it's crazy to see MY drawings on someone's skin! weird but very VERY cool!!!

anyway by the time we all left the café it was really sunny and bright! cannot handle this insane weather, how are you supposed to dress for a day like this?! we all stood chatting in the street for a bit while Sienna played with her new toy

it was a lovely afternoon though, we just wandered around town, looking in shops, chatting, generally having a laugh! i clearly don't get out enough... that's why i always enjoy it so much when i have a day out like this with friends/family!

we sat in the Strand Shopping Centre for a while too, well... Quinn and Mike sat while i mooched around the toy stores with Sienna and Elan, i really will NEVER grow up!

but alas at long last, it was time to go!!! i met them today because Mike is heading back off to University in Kingston on Friday so i wanted to say goodbye + hand over his belated Birthday present (a 'Back to the Future' t-shirt) 

luckily Quinn doesn't head off to start Uni in Falmouth until September so hopefully i'll get to see her again before she vanishes until Xmas! + i'm going to make her a very special little plushie fawn as a going away present!

anyway, after town we went up to my cousin Mandy's flat for a bit where Sienna tried on her pretty new dress

we actually went there because my mum had to pick up her pet birds (two cockatiels called George and Sid) but it was nice to relax for a bit watching MTV and playing in the garden with Sienna

and i guess that was my day! apologies for the uber personal post!!!

i have 3 amazing new creative café features lined up, in fact i don't know which one do do first they're all that good!!!

so be sure to look out for the first of them tomorrow evening

until then... that's all folks ◕‿◕ ★ xX