Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Festive Fun

Tuesday, 1 December 2009
vampires and video games

Thursday, 12 November 2009
London Calling... take 2

Thursday, 8 October 2009
Happiness is...

Tuesday, 29 September 2009
College times :-D

Thursday, 3 September 2009
rainy days and gloomy nights

Sunday, 9 August 2009
Summer Holidays

Saturday, 18 July 2009
Hola, Bonjour, Hello...
after a blissfully secluded week in Andorra (attempting to speak Spanish) I spent two days travelling back through France (attempting to speak French), a few hours in Belgium (not attempting to speak Flemish). Then after another day's travel over the Channel tunnel and up the motorways I'm now back in Coventry in the UK (happy to speak English!) for a few days then home to the Isle of Man. I've had a lovely trip, and can't deny that I do love my annual visit to Andorra, I only wish I could come here more often. The house we stay in is situated in an extremely isolated place, but it's always most enjoyable all the same. It seems that being stuck halfway up a mountain without a television, telephone or any internet access is surprisingly gratifying, and with little else to do all day but read, watch movies on my laptop and draw things, my creative energies have also been gratuitously rewarded. I've got about eighteen new illustrations (I will try to upload them as soon as I return to the I.O.M depending on what time I get back) and a notebook full of other ideas for drawings, to pursue at my leisure. I'll probably update my blog when I get home but for now I will bid my hearty farewell, leaving you with this. A snap of my new favourite toy! An utterly adorable and amazing little purchase from my favourite Andorran shop (La Bauhaus: sells anything and everything to do with art, design, illustration, graphics, architecture and all the random things you could ever desire)
it is a wind up robot (hence the plastic to wind it with) but the best part is that it is also a pencil sharpener and sharpening a pencil also winds up the robot! A piece of utter genius design I think you'll agree! Au revoir, a bientot :-D x
ps for a few more shots of my trip to Andorra, add me on Facebook and check out my album here
Saturday, 4 July 2009
well, well, well...
It hardly seems possible but it's true, i've finished my first year of the National Diploma in Art and Design at College. It has literally flown by and now I find myself faced with a seemingly endless summer (good times). On Monday i'll start my (lengthy) journey driving down through England and France to Andorra. So this means that sadly I won't be able to make any updates due to the total lack of internet access at the house in Andorra, but it also means that I will have lots of time to draw, so should come back with loads of new pictures! We were also given our College Summer projects, we can do the on basically whatever we want, so thus far, mine pretty much consistes of Fashion illustration and Graphic design. Anyway, i'd best go, lots to pack etc. lots o' luv :-D x
ps: please check out my Facebook Fan Page here (now finally up and running) and why not take a look at my latest attempt at a website here, it isn't anywhere near finished, but it's a start! my friend Kyren has kindly set up my own wordpress site, but I haven't really had time to work out how to use it yet! when i do, i'll post a link :-D x
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Mika Madness and London Calling

Monday, 25 May 2009
Sweeties, Fairies and Birthday's
Saturday, 16 May 2009
killer zombie heels and krazy keyrings

Sunday, 10 May 2009
helter skeltering
Sunday, 3 May 2009
live projects
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Ruby and Jeff :-D
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Scanner's ahoy!

Friday, 10 April 2009

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Burlesque girls
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Lazy Sunday afternoon

Saturday, 4 April 2009
Easter break :-D
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Countdown to the Easter break
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
back to college!
Sunday, 22 February 2009
right then, so after another 6 week project (storytelling) at College, I’ve finally broken up for half-term. And although it’s only for a week, I’m just relieved to have a break, however small. Unfortunately I’m having to spend most of the week doing research for my next project (Form follows Function) but it’s not so bad. I’m looking forward to studying the Bauhaus, and the Chicago school of Architecture (amongst other things!). I am trying to upload a few new drawings and illustrations (as well as a few photographs) to my Deviant Art profile each day, and also some that I’ve had for a while. It is a little difficult though, as I don’t have a scanner at home so most of them are photographed, then uploaded! Well, I’d better go and do some more research, L2a xxx :-D
you can check out my Deviant Art profile here at http://www.the-rainbow-apple.deviantart.com/ i do also have an account with 'illustrationmundo.com' but it's not quite up and running yet