soooo it snowed again last night, here's hoping for another 'Snow Day' for tomorrow as opposed to just going back to College like normal!
anyway, a few days ago i sent two of my illustrations in a little email to a lovely New York girl named Jasmin Ridriguez whom i admire very much, and last night i got a series of charming emails back from her AND... a rather super duper post on her fabulous fashion blog 'Vintage Vandalizm'

these are the two images i sent her, they are each based on photos of Jasmin that i found on her blog, i think she really liked them, well if her email was anything to go by... she definitely did!
'Omg I love your illustrations! Of course you can post them, can I post them on my site as well?Thank you so much for the love and support and I am so happy that I inspire you. Your drawings are great!
anyway, the illustrations are on the front page of her blog RIGHT NOW so hurry along and see them asap!
lots of wintery love to you all :-D xX