hello dearhearts, here I am, back at last from my travels! I actually got back late Thursday night but i've been so busy with appointments and stuff i've only just found time to sit down and work on a little blog post to share with you all.
in case you don't keep up with me on social media, let me tell you that yesterday was my 24th Birthday!
I spent all day yesterday out with my closest friends in the South of the Island (which made a nice change seeing as I live in the North and rarely get to visit the South any more). I don't really have any photos of the evening out in Port Erin but it was lots of fun, even though it was cold and raining! I'm lucky that they were all kind enough to come out for a few drinks and some food on my Birthday-Eve.
one of my birthday cards, since i'll never really grow up! |
I know that to most people Birthdays can be quite a big deal but I come from a family where it's usually 'just another day', we don't really go out for Birthday celebrations or throw parties (I had parties when I was a child but as i've gotten older, Birthday's have become less of a big deal). I don't mind this though, as long as I get a cake, i'll spend the day doing whatever!
this year's delicious Birthday Cake + glitter crown! |
I'm sure i'm not the only one that feels this way, but I can often find Birthday days to be a little overwhelming, when family and friends call or demand I make 'proper' plans and expect me to spend the day
doing things. I have been known to lock myself in my room on May 31st and refuse to answer any phonecalls or open any presents until later in the day or the evening. I'm not sure why but the stress or expectations of the day can get to me and spark off some anxiety or panic.
a lovely colouring book gift from my friend Simon |
But this year I didn't have any of that! Which was brilliant. In fact NO-ONE called me all day (it was so great!) and I only got one text message. I woke up and had chocolate for breakfast (as is tradition on both Birthday and Christmas) and opened some really lovely gifts, then I spent the entire day in my room reading my new books + listening to music and editing a new illustration. Just another day...
the beautiful book my sister Nicky gave me |
Seeing as it was my Birthday and i'm now a 24-year-old (which is scary) I thought i'd take a moment to look back on
the past year and some of it's ups and downs! As per usual it's been a
mixed year, sad times and happy times and some times in between.
lots of goodies from my friend Lorna including 30 rainbow bouncy balls! |
Since I lost my wonderful job last June, I've been in a constant state of flux, darting from one thing to the other, coming up with and discarding new ideas on a daily basis. I still miss the Family Library more than anything but I try to keep myself busy and relatively structured; spending my time at home trying to build up my online profile and promote my etsy shop via social media every day. As you know I also started painting again and i'm always working on new products for my shop. I'm not making a 'living' per se but i'm trundling along, doing my best.
one of my more unusual Birthday cards! |
It's not where I saw myself being in 2015 when I celebrated my Birthday this time last year, I figured i'd still be employed for one thing, hopefully in my own Flat at long last, maybe learning to drive, who knows. But in the immortal words of the Rolling Stones,
'you can't always get what you want'! So here I am, back where I was a few years ago only now I don't have the excuse of being a college student. It's frustrating of course, I know where I 'want' to be, but like most people, don't necessarily know how to get there. But I intend to figure it out, eventually.
Star Wars Birthday gifts from others and from me! |
It's been difficult coming to terms with some of the changes this past year has brought, i've lost a lot of my already ramshackle independence (no steady income means no apartment in town) but by letting myself be cared for by family and friends i've realised that it's not a bad thing to ask for help, there's no shame in needing someone to lend a helping hand or to just sit and listen for a little while.
the lovely Danish watch Mama Boylan gave me. |
It doesn't do well to dwell on the negatives, I know that only too well, so let's look at the positives!
Some Highlights of the past year include:
- Reading and devouring book after book from my 'to be read' pile (currently on number 46 of my Goodreads reading challenge).
- Lovely holidays away in Cyprus, Andorra, France, Spain and trips to see family in the UK.
- The helpful support and treatment for my ongoing Depression and Personality Disorder.
- Lots of evening trips to the Movies with my best friends.
- Fun days out with my little cousin Sienna.
- Heaps of unnecessary cheap retail therapy via Ebay (no-one needs inflatable flamingo cup holders from China, but that did not stop me).
- Creating brand new rainbow haired ladies for the Candy Doll Club.
- Some nice new products for my shop and an increase in UK sales.
- Watching my two beautiful nieces continue to grow into incredible young women.
- Working on some new paintings for no reason other than that I want to paint.
- Adding to my ever growing 'desk collection' of random bits n' bobs.
- Making new friends on the island + lots of new internet friends as well.
- Getting new international sales to countries I haven't sent stuff to before.
- Treating myself to Ghostbusters Lego (not even kidding, one of the best parts of 2014!)
- Gaining new followers online and reaching 14.7k followers on Pinterest.
- Finally getting back in touch with long lost friends, because life really is too short not to!
an entire set of beautiful Nausicaa Manga from my friend Danny |
May 2014-15 has been a mixed bag but i'm another year older (definitely) and wiser (possibly) so all I can do is continue to take life one day at a time and hope for the best. As always, i'm eternally grateful to my family and friends for being so nice and supportive and brilliant and for always putting up with me no matter how much of a pain I am! I wouldn't be able to make it through some days without them, whether it's a warm hug and an assurance that things will be ok or a sarcastic message telling me to stop being a prat, they're always there for me and if you'll pardon the pun, they keep me
a little graphic I whipped up for my birthday |
So that's that, another year done and dusted, and only 364 days left until I turn 25, I'd better start thinking of things to fill the time!
thanks for stopping by, i'll try to make the next post a little less serious (aka boring).
so until next time, toodle-ooh! I hope to see you again soon xX