Saturday 16 April 2011

Meet the Bears ★

so yesterday i spent the day sewing and watching movies (the dark knight + anchorman + the blues brothers) 

would you like to see what i made?!

why do i even ask, i know you all want to see!!!

i'd like you all to meet 'Beatrice the Bear' and 'Bernadette the Bear'

these little darlings are only a couple of inches tall so i thought they'd look nice on necklaces or keyrings, but seeing as i always lose my keyrings i thought necklaces were a safer bet

do you like them? they sure were fun to make + they're made of the same thick felt i used for 'Fifi the Fawn' (go and meet her here - Fawns and Fabric) so they're quite sturdy really, i also used some tiny gingham bows + cute buttons from 'Just Enough' to brighten them up a bit

i've ordered some pretty chains to put them on so fingers crossed these little bears + the plushie cupcake charms will soon be available from my etsy shop

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in other news, a parcel arrived for me yesterday from London and i was super duper excited to open it since it contained the new Postcards and Mini Cards i ordered

check out these sugary sweet postcards with my 'Sugar Skull' and 'Let Them Eat Cake' designs

and i also got three 'Where's Charlie?' themed designs printed up as well

they're pretty cute right?! the postcards are printed with a glossy finish but the backs have a lovely silk finish making it easier to write on

i'm quite pleased with how they printed out, the print quality is amazing, the lines are flawless

anyway they're all up for sale on the shop at the reasonable price of £1 each (this is reasonable to me seeing as in the Sayle Gallery here on the Island they charge £1.50 per postcard!!! + i know dozens of other artists that charge £1.50 - .£2 for their postcards!)

or you can buy them in little sets of 3 in which case they work out slightly cheaper . . .

go forth and have a skeet for yourself at the shop - The Candy Cove

but that's not all that arrived because i also ordered these . . .

now i love the business cards i got printed up a few weeks ago but there's only 50 of them! well, there was 50 of them before i started giving them out to people . . .

they're diddy compared to my business cards but i think that just adds to their girly charm

so i wanted something simpler to just hand out to people + pop in with all the etsy shop orders, i mean i enclose a little business card with every order anyway but now i'll be able to pop in one or two of these

i got 10 of my 'Girl' designs printed up and i'm liking how they turned out, they kind of remind me of old fashioned cigarette cards + i like the idea that people can pick out their favourite girl from the set 

and of course they still have my website + email on the back

total genius! i love them, i should make them little collectibles, so that people can collect the set of 10 girly mini cards

but of course, the ONLY way to get YOUR hands on one (or two) of them is to buy something from my etsy shop

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that's all for today i guess

i got another order for a custom plushie Fawn this afternoon so i guess i could make a start on that but to be honest it's been so long since i did any quantifiable college work i might just spend the evening drawing out new character ideas for the Cupcake Princess story

until next time, that's all folks . . .

◕‿◕ ★ xX