Tuesday 8 March 2011

Fruity Fun ★

so yesterday i finally went back to college!

i am a naughty HNDer for missing a whole week last week so i tried to be good yesterday and start a new sewing project

now you are being warned... this is a sewing based post so if you came her looking for colourful fruity times and stuff like that, i'm sorry to disappoint you! it's about embroidery so yeah, you've been warned!

right so my friend Annie left some wonderful old embroidery books on my desk so i thought it was about time i had a go at some different stitches

so i actually left my desk (shock horror) and crept upstairs to root around in the textiles room for some printed fabric

i found an old sample book full of funkily printed swatches so i picked this fruity little number...

aren't the colours in it gorgeous! i just loved how rich all the red and oranges were!

now i'm not the best stitcher in the world, i can just about do blanket stitch and after about an hour can produce a wonky french knot, so before i attacked the fruit bowl i did a tiny chain stitch sample


after that it was the fruit bowls turn

next i fancied a bit more colour so orange got added in to the mix as well...

i intended to whip stitch it (since i can actually do that...) but decided on another stitch called pekinese since it looked like fun

leaves next, whip stitch and a lovely shade of green

i also got the chance to test out my new mini flexi hoop (i know... this post is SO exciting!!!) since the pattern didn't fit on this hoop properly

so this is how it all looked by the end of the day

and that's how it still looks since i have spent all of today working on another logo design commission which (fingers crossed) is almost finished!

* * *

in an attempt to cheer myself up i also brought two new friends along to college with me

these are mini 'lalaloopsy' dolls i bought while i was away in Coventry

yes i know i might be too old to be playing with dolls but i just thought they were so cute!!!

there's a whole bunch of them and each one has a different name and back story (you know how much i love a good back story...) and they're designed to look like they've been hand stitched together and made from buttons, ribbons and bows (now you'll understand the appeal)

there are also HUUUUGE versions of the dolls which have the most adorable outfits and big lolita-esque dresses

they're each supposedly made from a different type of garment that relates to their hobbies and likes

now i'm not going to lie... i bought one of the big dolls as well!!! (don't hate me)

i have this one, apparently her names is Crumbs Sugar Cookie, she was sewn from a cooking apron and she loves to bake cupcakes... 

oh i wonder why i chose that one! hhmmm

she's happy at home on the shelf in my room now and i have to say, she's brightened up the place superbly

anyway, the two mini ones i took to college are called...

Peanut Big Top (sewn from a circus performers costume)

and Bea Spells-a-lot lot (sewn from a school uniform)

anyway, they kept me company and i urge you all to get one since they are so goddamn adorable!!!

i intend to get as many of the mini ones as i can! judge me all you want but i do not care... i always said i'd never truly grow up!

for more info about the crazy colourful world of Lalaloopsy Dolls, check out their website here - Lalaloopsy

* * *

not much else to tell, busy busy busy at the moment

logo design commissions and tattoo design commissions and all other manner of new commissions

+ 3 college essays!

until next time

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ♥ xX 

ps - have you entered the Giveaway yet??? well you'd better hurry up because there are only 3 days left to enter!!!

GO GO GO - ♥ Giveaway 


  1. love the embroidery & the vintage/ retro fabric - has the fabric sample book made its way into your fabric stash yet? :)

  2. nope sadly the textiles tutor was there so i could only grab two swatches, this + a funky beach/seaside themed one that i haven't used yet xX

  3. Thanks for entering my giveaway lovely, you need to leave me an email address though :)

  4. oops i thought it was included automatically, my bad x

  5. Tis no worry m'dear :) gottit now. It's just so I can make a note of it in case you win!
