Friday 25 March 2011

Ballaglass Glen ★

so this afternoon it was soooooo sunny and bright outside i decided to head out to the Glen behind my house

the Isle of Man has lots of gorgeous national Glens but Ballaglass Glen has always been special to me mainly because i live so very close to it!

it was lovely out so i had a nice stroll along the public footpath, i also stopped to say hi to the horse that lives in the field next to the Glen footpath (i call him Ted but i have no idea what his real name is)

it took me about ten minutes to walk to the entrance of the glen and although i normally make a day (or an afternoon) of it i only stayed for an hour today

it was so ruddy muddy in the Glen there isn't much call for any glamour so it was a glasses day today

i mean... just look at all that mud!!!

i ramble on a lot so you know what, here are the photos i took while i was in there so you can see for yourself how absolutely gorgeous it is in the Glen...

after that i just followed the electric railway tracks back to the footpath and made my merry little way home

t'was indeed a rather super duper day ◕‿◕

* * *

in other news, here's what i've been working on yesterday + today

ooooh what's it gonna be????

wait and see...

and also...

and last but not least i'd like you to meet the other Cupcake Princess...

more about her soon!

* * *

all for today i think, 

tomorrow i'm heading to the 'on your doorstep' exhibition at the villa marina in Douglas so photos of that to follow

until next time

that's all folks...

★ ◕‿◕ xX

1 comment :

  1. lovely photos! I always stop and say hello to 'Ted' aswell!
