Sunday 6 February 2011

Weird Weekend ★

ok so firstly i should apologize for not having posted since Thursday!

i was tired on Friday after college but i genuinely did mean to post yesterday, however... things didn't go quite according to plan!

i've not been feeling too well for a few days now but yesterday it really kicked up a notch!

i'm a massive hypochondriac at the best of times but stupid online symptom checkers sent me a little bit over the edge so at about 9pm last night, my mum drove me out to the Islands hospital in Douglas.

i freak out when i'm near Hospitals/Dentists/Doctors so it wasn't really the best way for me to spend a Saturday night!

anyway, suffice to say i am fine-ish, the Doctor couldn't actually work out what's wrong with me but apparently it's not serious otherwise i wouldn't be here at home typing out this blog post to you all...

right so on with today's post

so i finally started work on the little Lollipop painting!

one of my tutors at college suggested i make another version of the digital lollipop's picture first, but instead of picking one flavour/theme for all the lollies, she thought i should make a truly multicoloured one by mixing up the lollies.

so i did this...

to see the other 7 versions of this picture you can check out this blog post - Lovely Lollipops ♥

so back to the painting, i drew the design onto the canvas with sharpie (just like when i did the ad girl painting - ♥ I don't do Housework...) and have since started to block in the initial colours using gouache

anyway when i started the painting and wasn't actually planning to colour it like this multicoloured digital copy but i thought what the hell and had a go anyway, so instead of being all one theme it's currently looking like this

it'll take me a while since my painting technique is so awful but oh well...

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in other news...

i made some more felt lollipops!

yup there's now a blue one and a purple one to add to the collection, i've also added these little gift tags from a scrap book set just to brighten them up a bit

still not sure what to do with them though!

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other, other, other news...

i've been updating some of my old Picture Book illustrations including the pages from 'Where's Charlie?'

i've changed bits round here and there and tried to brighten up the colours a bit

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right that's all for today, i'm not feeling too good so i think i'm going to go and have a little lie down and pop a movie on, i watched Drop Dead Fred earlier (watch it if you've never seen it, such a great film) so i might watch that again or maybe some Father Ted DVD's

ok dokes, until next time dudes and dudettes

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ★

多謝 和 再见

(that's thank you and goodbye in Taiwanese/Chinese on behalf of Taiwan, 多謝 )

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