Wednesday 2 February 2011

Shopping Binge... again ★

so today i got up nice and early (aka 6am) and headed into Douglas town to run some errands (namely, returning the last of the red lego from the lego xmas tree project - Little Lego Tree

i parted ways with my dear mama at about 10am as she had to go off to work

literally one hour later i trailed into her workplace laden with shopping bags...

you see my problem isn't binge drinking or partying or smoking... i binge shop and it is AWFUL!!!

to be fair i haven't left the house since last Thursday (shocking... i know) so the sheer sight of so many things to see and places to go clearly sent me a bit loopy!

you may recall my last major shopping binge when i bought a pile of stuff i really didn't need... much - Shopping Binge

so let's get down to the important part... what did i buy today?!


to begin with i bought a gorrrrrrgeous red polka dot ruffle trimmed dome umbrella...

(ignoring the terrible photo) and yes, i am modeling it indoors mainly because it's so ruddy windy and blustery outside at the minute the poor umbrella would surely have been blown inside out or just lost to the weather completely!!!

but that aside... isn't it adorable! i have a red polka dot Betty Boop handbag umbrella (a gift off an Aunt) but that's for plain old rainy days

this one is for super bad rainy days!

moving on...

i also visited one of my favourite shops on the Island, 'Abode' in Douglas which sells the most wonderful things and has the most gorgeous carrier bags

today i came away with this funky eye mask (i genuinely did need one of these in all fairness!)

and these adorable, gorgeous and luuuuurvely cushions for my room!

they match the quilt i got in Lismore, Ireland a few years ago PERFECTLY!!! i love their vintage style and the cute gingham ruffles, just lovely!

i also bought another cute rococo style picture frame for my college project only this time it's a pretty shade of blue instead of pink like the last two - candy frames

what else?! well i also bought an awesome pair of fingerless gloves/mittens

i love fingerless gloves but my wrists are always cold because i lose my wrist warmers so... these really are genius gloves! and they're 'tardis' blue (it's a Doctor Who reference, if you don't get it... don't worry)

now i don't care if you're supposed to wear them ruched down or rolled over or whatever... under my winter coat i like them like this, they keep my arms + hands nice and toasty!

i also pointed out to Mike that i thought they looked a bit like Quidditch gloves... but he wasn't very nice about that! 

oh no, Doctor Who references are FINE but as soon as i mention Harry Potter stuff he starts to tease!!! he's only jealous because he doesn't have a pair of gloves as awesome as these!!!

anyway, i also bought loooooots of yummy candy (PURELY for research purposes... honestly!!!)

we have lovely lovely lovely lollipops

a big marshmallow lollipop (i don't even like marshmallows but i thought this was adorable)

and some yummy little sugar mice

i also bought some more felt and floss for embroidery and sewing times at college

because... i've been making things again and i THINK it's about time i show you what i've made!!!

are you ready??? 


that's right... these little beauties are stuffed 'felt' plushie lollipops! 

made from scratch using only felt, embroidery floss, fibre fill and a lollipop stick!

i made them yesterday just out of the blue

do you like them?!

sadly they're not edible but they're still kind of cute right?

i plan to make a few more of them although i'm not entirely sure what to do with them yet!

* * *

in other news, it's been quite a miserable day here weather wise, cloudy, windy, rainy, gloomy!

here's hoping this traditional Manx weather clears up soon...

not likely though!!!

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ★ xX

muchas gracias y adios

(that's thank you and goodbye in Spanish on behalf of Peru, i've always wanted to visit Peru ever since i was little and my Auntie Maureen brought me back a beautiful Peruvian doll after a trip to Lima, hopefully one day i'll get to see the country for myself, gracias amigos xX)