Wednesday 9 February 2011

Wonderful Wednesday ★

so despite the fact i woke up feeling ill (again) i decided to head into Douglas town (again) only today i actually had a reason to go in!

today i met up with another local artist to discuss some super duper ideas for a suuuuuper art project 

 but that's all i'm saying for now! 

i also got another 'sort of' commission today, i can't tell you what it's for but i will tell you that i got handed a bag full of fabby paperchase stuff which is to inspire this 'commission'

here's the paperchase stuff

i'm going to be sad to give all this stuff back! it's all so pretty!

* * *

anyway, i also bought a new book today! (yaaaay)

it's another fabby embroidery book

this one is by Aimee Ray, she's an artist, and illustrator AND an amazng embroiderer (some people get all the luck!)

here's her website - Dream Follow

i've seen some of her work before and she really is amaaaaaazing at embroidery, like... seriously amazing!

anyway i thought it looked like a great book and since i'm still not over my embroidery binge i thought i'd give some of the patterns and projects a go

* * *

ok so today when i got home there was a little parcel waiting for me!

i rarely receive stuff in the post so this immediately intrigued me

anyway, it was a super duper goodie bag from the wonderful and fabulously talented Despina Bournele aka 'Di Depux' from Athens, Greece

i got chatting with her a week or two ago on facebook/twitter about arty stuff and jewellery stuff etc etc and since she seemed like such a lovely dudette i made a little banner link ad for her blog to put on my blog since she's so amazingly talented and awesome (you can see the ad in the side bar if you scroll) 

she saw this and said she wanted to send me a little something to say thanks

now i know about all the amazing stuff she sells in her etsy shop so i thought 'that's so nice of her, maybe she'll send me a cute kawaii bookmark or some super stickers'

so imagine my amazement when i opened the package to see that she'd sent me ALL this awesome stuff ALL the way from Greece...

so not only did she send me a kawaii bookmark and some di depux stickers

she sent me a sweet little acrylic heart keyring (the tag says 'thanks for the ad on your blog')

she also sent me a super cuuuute 'balloon prison' brooch

AND she sent me this truly GORRRRRGEOUS little strawberry necklace!!!

it is so ME! it's even on a long chain so i'm pretty sure it's safe to say that i'll be wearing this necklace to death!

i can't believe all the stuff she sent me! it's all so fabulous i love love LOVE it!

her graphic design is amazing and her style is so pretty, i also really love the way she's had acrylic charms cut with her designs printed on

her shop is full of quirky little pieces like this fantastic 'WOW' necklace

and this gorgeous strawberry milk necklace

to see more of Despina's work check out her adorable website here - Di Depux

and to get hold of your very own Di Depux necklace/keyring/brooch pop over to her etsy shop here - Etsy

here's her blog - Di Depux Blogspot

and here's her Twitter - @didepux

* * *

ok in other news...

back to college tomorrow before heading off to the hospital in the afternoon for some blood tests (eeeeeeekkkk!!!!)

i hate needles sooooo much but i guess this is necessary if they're going to work out what's wrong with me!

until next time

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ★ xX

آپ کا شکریہ اور الوداع

(that's thank you and goodbye in Urdu on behalf of Pakistan ★) 

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