Saturday 6 November 2010

Lazy Days ♥

so if the title wasn't enough of a giveaway as to how my day's been... i've had an incredibly lazy day today and it has been SUBLIME!

i've basically spent the entire day sat on the sofa doing absolutely nothing apart from checking my facebook and twitter every so often + chatting to Mike on skype and making some new ad banners for my blog linking my fave shopping links and other various online creative pals.

i've spent this evening watching episodes of Futurama (genius) whilst attempting to make a new blog background. i've made one (as you can see) but i'm not too fond of it to be honest, i'll probably have another go tomorrow or something since i now have a delightful photoshop headache.

in light of this, Mike offered to make one and after about fifteen minutes of photoshopping i was sent this via skype... 

now i genuinely do appreciate Mike's noble efforts to create an original and visually stunning blog background for me, however... i'm not going to use this!

NOT because it states my love of lamps in general (how can you not love a good lamp after all) it's because my blog is a 3 column blog and if i used this you'd never actually be able to see the 'I Love Lamp' bit... which would of course defeat the whole point of it's beautiful magic.

so thank you Mike but... not this time. and as much as i truly do LOVE 'Anchorman' i just can't use this!

but what do you know, ten minutes later he sent me ANOTHER possible blog background and once again, his incredible photoshop skills did not disappoint... 

i think this one might be my favourite of the two mainly because it quotes 'Hot Fuzz' which is of course one of my favourite movies EVER!

but once again this lovely piece of artwork is marred by the fact that it wouldn't really show up on my blog... sorry Mike, thanks for the effort!

and just because he tried his best, here's a shameless plug on his behalf...

follow this link to see Mike's super duper photography blog - Point and Click

* * *

in other news, it's recently come to my attention that this blog has been receiving page views from countries all over the world, i finally checked out my International visitors map and was amazed to see where i was getting hits from! 

the exact list of countries (to date) is as as follows...
(NOTE: the countries are listed in order of page views)

Isle of Man, United Kingdom, United States, Montenegro, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Poland, Argentina, Norway, India, Spain, Indonesia, Greece, Japan, Malaysia, Venezuela, Denmark, Portugal, Turkey, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Chile, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Thailand, New Zealand, South Africa, Belgium, Lithuania, Slovenia, Albania, Cyprus, Costa Rica, Philippines, Lebanon, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Estonia, Iceland, Israel, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Latvia, Singapore, Macedonia, Vietnam, Egypt, Croatia, Moldova, Brunei, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czeck Republic, Slovakia and last but not least, Puerto Rico.

it's quite incredible no?!?!

i can't quite believe that people all over the world are stopping by to have a skeet at my blog!!!

so in light of this i have decided to end each future blog post with a thank you + farewell in the native language of one of the countries on the list. 

i intend to do this until every country has been credited with it's own 'goodbye' so this is going to take me quite a while to accomplish...

that's ok, i always love a good challenge!

i'll do the 'goodbyes' following the same order as the list here so todays post will end with a farewell in Manx and the next one in English and so on and so forth...

should be fun 

* * *

and that's it for today, short but sweet i guess!

time for some tea now and perhaps a bit more 'Futurama'

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ★ 

'Gura Mie Ayd as Slane Ihiat'

(that's 'thank you and goodbye' in Manx Gaelic on behalf of the Isle of Man)


  1. "how can you not love a good lamp after all"
    haha, I absolutely agree!
    Both drawings are great, I love the kind of green of the first one!
    Wow, SO MANY countries? I only receive visits from about 5 countries, you've just got me depressed...
    I'm looking forward to seeing how you say goodbye in Spanish! (have I said it right? I always get crazy with this sentence [looking forward to...])

    Kisses :)

  2. your English is absolutely perfect Judit, it really puts my knowledge of Spanish, French and Italian to shame!

    i'm 16 blog posts away from ending with a Spanish goodbye so i still have some time to work on my language skills

    ◕‿◕ xX
