Wednesday 27 October 2010

Halloween Pinup Girls ★

so it's almost that time of year again, the most spooktacular and creepalicious of days... all Hallows eve aka Halloween or Samhain or Hop Tu Naa etc etc...

anyway in light of this, since i literally never do anything for Halloween i thought i'd have a go at a few more Halloween Pin-up Girl illustrations.

so... thus far i've completed the Tattooed Pin-up Girl and the Midnight Burlesque Girl (follow the links if you haven't seen them already)

i haven't actually finished any more of them yet but i HAVE been trying to gather a pinch of research and a sprinkling of inspiration from some of these gorrrrgeous classic Pin-up paintings...

we'll start off with a little bit of Gil Elvgren magic...

swiftly followed by... some more Gil Elvgren spookiness

followed by this super duper Pin-up Witch, by Bill Layne (1966)

and 'This Trick's a Treat' by Freeman Elliot (1950) 

then on to... George Petty's 'Salem Witch' (1945) 

and after that, here's the rather fabulous 'Lady is a Witch' novel cover by Earle Bergy (1950)

and we'll finish with my personal favourite... some more classic Gil Elvgren sparkle... 
'Riding High' (1959)

and that's pretty much all of my research so far... just thought i'd share these rather darling little vintage lovelies with you all...

ok i'm off to have a go at some more of my own Halloween Pin-up Girls now!

i'd also like to point out that almost all of the pictures used in today's post were sourced from the utterly fabulous and super duper Sexy Witch blog which (witch...) you can go and visit riiiiight HERE - Sexy Witch

actually... now it's time for some lunch so i'll start on the pin-up stuff after!

that's all folks...

◕‿◕ ♥ xX

1 comment :

  1. Awesome Post Jade! Thanks for the heads up on the Sexy Witch Blog.
