Thursday, 14 January 2010
Trevor and the Evil Robot
soooo today i was ill off college with a hideous migraine, my teacher wasn't in anyway he broke his collar bone snowboarding (on the Isle of Man!!!) apparently so luckily i didn't miss much! as it was i ended up haveing quite a constructive day. i made this little film, my first ever attempt at stop motion animation starring this little guy (and a new adversary that has also been featured on this blog before)
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Diets, Snow and super duper fun times
Happy New Year dudes and dudtettes, i have some tres bien news! i just found out that i have won a free 16x20 Print from 'rawtoastdesign' and i got to choose one of the fabulous prints by the utterly amazing Jesse Kuhn, check out the super duper 'rawtoastdesign' blog here

i chose this gorgeous Print called 'Operation Scribble'

so hopefully i'll be sent that soon!
in other news, i have started my annual new year diet, and as always it's ruddy hard! but i'm sticking with it... for now!
last year i only messed up because i had to go to my god-daughters 4th Birthday Pizza party in March! and i couldn't exactly NOT eat a pizza at a pizza party could i!!!
and of course there is Snow everywhere at the moment! check out this shot of my garden!
ok i have to go now i'm attempting to make a little animation for my 3D character design class, if it all goes well... i'll post it on here when it's done
L2a :-D xX
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