Monday 28 March 2011

Pretty Purse ★

short but sweet post today . . .

so i FINALLY finished the little purse i've been making!!!

now let me start by pointing out that when i say 'purse' i do not mean a 'handbag' type purse, i mean a little purse you'd keep your keys, spare change or camera/ipod/cosmetics in

would you like to see it?!

of course you would . . .


there you go

like i told you, it's very cute and girly and super duper pretty

it was entirely hand stitched (by me) using some pretty pink fabric i've had since last Summer (it was for the picture book pages i made), a pink zip, lots of embellishments and heaps of pink embroidery floss

it's lined as well using the same heart patterned fabric so it's surprisingly sturdy + it's about the size of a postcard

the back is kind of plain though, it just has some ribbon and ric-rac although you can also see the little crystal beads + glass seed beads i added to the zipper here as well

i used the lovely little iron on patches i got from the 'Just Enough' haberdashery shop in Laxey (more about that here - Just Enough)

i ironed the patches on but have also stitched them as well so they'll never come off + i sewed the two little pink gingham bows on as well + a line of mini ric-rac (it's that pink wibbly wobbly stuff along the bottom)

i added a lovely little french knot + chain stitched flower and a curly wurly line of dashed stitches curling across the purse + some diddy sequins and seed beads, et voila . . .

one kawaii inspired pretty pink purse

do you like it???

i have a few ideas for other purses similar to this one so who knows, maybe they'll be up for sale in my little etsy shop soon . . .

* * *

in other news,

you may have noticed the slightly new look for the blog

i realized that some readers couldn't actually see the illustration themed background i'd made for the blog so i thought some nice red roses would do instead since everyone will be able to see them regardless of the screen they're reading this on

the fonts changed as well obviously, 

not 100% sure if i'll be keeping this font yet, can you all read it ok?

it may look a little scratchy but i chose it because (believe it or not . . .) it's very similar to my own handwriting

let me know any thoughts on it all anyways, you know they're always greatly appreciated

nothing more to report for now 

so i guess that's all folks...

◕‿◕ xX

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